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Any date about the update?

Is there an android friendly version?

Omori moment

Hello, I have a problem I can't play this game on macOS because it's an EXE game.
Would you have any solution for this?


I'm sorry you're unable to. When I made the export I was confused by the build settings and marked this incorrectly. I'll see what I can do about making a proper mac build.

Looks good 👍

is there a Android version?

Thank you! And there likely won't be an android version, as I don't have an android myself to test the game on.

A Gamejam game with a working Mac AND Linux version? Be still my beating HEART!


I was confused by the build settings and labeled this game incorrectly, so at the moment there is not strictly a Linux nor mac build. I am attempting to fix this soon.

Aha, gotcha gotcha. No worries chum! I've never used itch to release a game myself, but I can't imagine it's too simple. Here's hoping we do get a Mac version in the future!